Chat Rules

  • Respect Others: Be polite and respectful to all members. No harassment, bullying, or hate speech will be tolerated.
  • No Inappropriate Content: Do not share or post any content that is illegal, offensive, or inappropriate. This includes images, videos, and links.
  • Privacy: Do not share personal information of yourself or others. Respect the privacy of other members.
  • Language: Use appropriate language. Avoid profanity and offensive terms.
  • Spam: No spamming or flooding the chat with messages. This includes excessive use of Giphy, images, and links.
  • No External Link Spam: Do not spam external links. Share links that are relevant and contribute to the conversation.
  • No Illegal Content: Posting or sharing illegal content of any kind is strictly prohibited. Any illegal content will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  • No Flooding: Do not flood the chat with repetitive messages, images, or videos. This disrupts the conversation.
  • No Automated Scripts: Do not use automated scripts or bots to cause trouble or disrupt the chat.
  • No Doxxing: Posting personal information about others without their consent is strictly prohibited.
  • No Ban Evasion: Do not attempt to evade bans by using alternative accounts or any other methods.
  • Audio/Video Chats: Ensure your audio and video are appropriate for all audiences. No nudity or explicit content.
  • Giphy/Images: Use Giphy and image sharing responsibly. Do not post images that could be considered offensive or disturbing.
  • Reporting Issues: If you encounter any issues or see someone breaking the rules, report it to the moderators immediately.
  • Reporting Illegal Content: Any illegal content will be reported to the appropriate authorities. Do not engage with or distribute such content.
  • Follow Moderator Instructions: Listen to and follow any instructions given by the moderators. They are here to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone.
  • Have Fun: Enjoy the chat room and have fun interacting with other members!
  • Participants Must Be 18 or Older: All users must be at least 18 years old to use our services.
  • Legal and Non-Objectionable Content Only: Post only legal and non-objectionable content.
  • No Child Pornography: Do not share any content containing or referencing child pornography.
  • No Bestiality, Incest, Rape, Violence, or Gore: Do not share content depicting these themes.
  • No Racism or Violence Promotion: Do not share content promoting racism or violence against any group.
  • No Contact Information Sharing: Do not share or request any contact information.
  • No Personally Identifiable Information: Do not share or request personally identifiable information.
  • Share Only Content You Own: Do not share content that you do not own or have rights to.
  • No Harassment: Do not harass other users.
  • No Moderator Harassment: Do not harass moderators about their decisions.
  • No Impersonation: Do not impersonate any other person.
  • No Spam or Flooding: Do not spam or flood the chat with repetitive messages.
  • No Service Attacks: Do not attack or obstruct the service or any person's ability to use the service.
  • English Only: Use only English on our services.
  • No Exchanges of Goods or Services: Do not attempt to solicit or offer goods or services.
  • Final Rules: Any disciplinary action issued for violating these rules is final.
  • Binding Rules: Users are bound by these rules. Use of our services constitutes agreement with these rules.
  • Rules Subject to Change: These rules may change at any time. Continued use constitutes agreement with updated rules.

Enforcement of Chat Room Rules and Terms of Service

The chat room rules and terms of service outlined are designed to create a safe, respectful, and enjoyable environment for all users. Compliance with these rules is mandatory. Violations will not be tolerated and may lead to enforcement actions, including but not limited to account suspension, bans, and reporting to law enforcement agencies.

Legal Enforcement and Consequences

1. Harassment and Hate Speech

Engaging in harassment, bullying, or hate speech is strictly prohibited. Any user found violating this rule will face immediate account suspension or ban. In cases of severe or repeated offenses, information will be collected and provided to appropriate authorities to ensure legal action can be taken against the perpetrator.

2. Inappropriate and Illegal Content

Posting or sharing inappropriate or illegal content is a serious offense. This includes, but is not limited to, content that is offensive, obscene, or violates any laws. Such content will be promptly removed, and the user responsible will be banned. Additionally, illegal content will be reported to law enforcement agencies for further investigation and prosecution.

3. Privacy Violations and Doxxing

Respecting the privacy of all users is paramount. Sharing personal information without consent, known as doxxing, is strictly prohibited. Violators will face immediate and permanent bans. Depending on the severity of the breach, legal action may be pursued to protect the privacy rights of affected individuals.

4. Spam, Flooding, and Automated Scripts

Spam, flooding the chat with repetitive messages, and using automated scripts disrupt the user experience. Users engaging in such activities will be warned and, if necessary, banned. Persistent offenders will have their actions reviewed, and legal measures may be taken if these actions constitute a violation of computer abuse laws.

5. Ban Evasion

Attempting to evade bans by creating new accounts or using other methods undermines the integrity of our community. Users caught evading bans will face further disciplinary actions, including permanent IP bans. Legal action may be taken against repeat offenders to prevent further disruption.

6. Reporting and Cooperation with Authorities

All illegal activities, including the sharing of illegal content, harassment, and other malicious behaviors, will be reported to relevant authorities. We will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies to ensure that predators, malicious users, and other violators are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This includes providing user data and any other relevant information as required by legal processes.

User Responsibility and Acknowledgment

By using our chat room services, users agree to abide by these rules and the terms of service. Users acknowledge that violations may result in severe consequences, including legal action. Users are encouraged to report any violations they witness to help maintain a safe and respectful environment.

Therefore, you must behave

Our commitment to enforcing these rules and the terms of service underscores our dedication to providing a safe community for all users. We take violations seriously and will take all necessary actions to protect our users and uphold the integrity of our platform.