Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If this is your first time using a chat room you probably have some questions that might not be getting answered. This page is designed to help you with the most common questions we've been asked, and what we've experienced. If you have any questions that we haven't been bale to answer you can scroll down to the bottom and submit a help ticket that one of our staff members will reply to.

123FreeChat does not require you to register to be able to chat and experience the chat room features such as audio, video, text, image uploads, and any other chat services we offer. We do require you to register to post and be part of our community forums. Without an account we do not permit anyone to post on our forums for security and content moderation.

Getting banned is a bummer, but don't let it bring you down. Most of the bans on our network are timed. We believe in multiple chances for non-violent violators. Although if you cross the line and continue to break our terms, then the ban may be permenant. We do think we are fair though, we understand if you're having a bad day in the chat room that shouldn't penalize you from the forum, although if you cross the line in either platform, you do run the risk of a longer ban duration.

We would love for you to have your own room. You must be registered, once you register your nickname you can simply go to the #Help room and speak to an active moderator and they will help you get your own registered room.

Yes, we do allow you to connect to our chat server using a commerical IRC client such as mIRC, or HexChat. While we allow you to use custom scripts, we do suggest you read the chat rules to make sure your script is in compliance.

Don't let anyone rain on your parade, and don't let anyone flood your chat with non-sense. You can click on their nickname and click the ignore button to get rid of the annoying people. This will block them from seeing your messages, and you from seeing or receiving their messages.